
Update March 1, 2022: Currently I am not accepting new clients into my practice. The focus of my practice is evolving and I am spending more time supervising MSW clinicians working towards their WA State licensure. Please contact me via email if you are looking for supervision hours. I am also spending more time with the Arizala Foundation at this time in my role as Executive Director. Thank you for your understanding. - Heidi
Heidi Arizala Showman
Connection • Wholeheartedness • Authenticity • Intentionality • Being Present • Gratitude
Who Am I?
How do I decide what I am going to do next?
Why do I feel worse after I compare myself to everyone else?
How do I feel more present and grateful in my own life?
I want something more in my life…what is it?
Why don’t I feel like I am ever enough?
Sometimes we need a little help. Sometimes we just need to be seen and heard. Sometimes we need someone who can help us sort through the myriad of feelings that can seemingly come at us all at once. Sometimes we need someone to bear witness our pain, our struggle, our journey. Sometimes we need someone to really be with us.
In this life journey there are times of great joy and great sorrow. There are times where we feel lonely, sad and afraid and other times where we feel confident and content. There are times when we can feel lost and unsure and we may need to take the time to figure out who we are, what we value and believe to be true, and where we want to go.
It can be helpful to explore where we have been and what we have experienced, as well as how we feel about our present lives and what fills us with joy and what brings us pain and heartache. The time we have been given is precious and we should make sure we are living our best lives and being our best selves while being surrounded by the people who lift us up and encourage us to be our true and authentic selves.
When it is time to reach out to a professional for help and support, it is important to find a person that is the best fit for you or your loved one. My philosophy of therapy is to provide a safe and supportive environment for my clients to feel seen, to feel heard, and to feel supported. My hope is that therapy can provide a nonjudgmental and nurturing place where we can explore current issues at hand, be informed from past experiences, and look at making healthy and balanced choices and decisions for the future.
Sometimes it is just a matter of making a connection and being seen and heard that can make all the difference in the world. I invite you to explore my website and learn more about me, my practice, people and books that inspire me, and what I have to offer.
“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” — Brené Brown

Heidi Arizala Showman, MSW, LICSW • heidi@northstaroffices.com