About Me

Connection • Wholeheartedness • Authenticity • Intentionality • Being Present • Gratitude
Heidi with London
I have been a therapist in private practice since 2006 and I have been working in the social service field since 1997. I have witnessed the rise of the use of mobile phones and digital media and at the same time I’ve seen a significant growth in the number of people in my office with a great deal of anxiety. Many of my clients as well as people that I know personally are very interested in developing more real and authentic relationships and connections, yet this seems to be more and more difficult to accomplish.
My therapeutic style is to work in a collaborative process with my clients. I use a number of different treatment modalities and skills in order to create the right kind of therapy process for each of them. My goal is to connect with each individual, and use an integrative, empathetic, cognitive, and relational model to help them find meaning and create change. I ask people to reflect on their experiences and then we work together to make sense of their patterns and their present life and then where they want to go.
Depression • Anxiety • Difficulty making decisions • Life Transitions • Wanting to feel more connection • Wanting deeper and more authentic relationships
My mom passed away in May 2018 and it was a pivotal experience in my life in propelling me to be very intentional and mindful of my own life, and it gave me a lot of clarity of how to approach my work. My own personal journey reflects my desire to work with my clients by joining them on their own paths as they navigate the different seasons and terrains of their lives.
I currently live in Redmond, WA with my husband and two kids. I enjoy being with my family, friends, and dogs. I am a huge Seahawks fan, and I enjoy how sports creates connections. I love reading, feeling inspired, the ocean, hummingbirds and beautiful sunsets. I believe that we can find beauty if we are willing to look for it and I am inspired by love, connection, laughter and joy.
“I now see how owning our story
and loving ourselves through that process
is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”
— Brené Brown

Heidi Arizala Showman, MSW, LICSW ~ heidi@northstaroffices.com